>One of the foremost requirements for Online marketing is a URL, link or web address where the stuff being promoted is mentioned in detail.
It could be an event, a person, an idea or anything under the Sun!

Getting a URL is fairly simple, quick and free! So many ways to do this

Make a blog! This is best if you have something in-depth to say. If you already have a blog then write a post on it and then promote the post.
Every post on a blog has a unique URL
eg: this is what I did when me and my friends wanted to start a vacation library.. check it out

*ON TWITTER, FACEBOOK etc..etc..??
Create a facebook event, orkut event or an event on whichever social network you use. This is also great for online events like design contests etc

Twitter events can be created using www.twtvite.com
eg: This was the tweetup event which happened today 🙂

Make a page on your website and promote that! This is generally what is done but you need to have a website for it

Publish using Google Docs!
You simply need to have a gmail account which is free.
Sign into Google Docs with that login and start a Google Word Doc and type out whatever you want.
Publish this Doc, this can be done freely in a few minutes.
This gives you a permenant URL to promote.
Using Google Docs you can make presentations, spreadsheets too!
eg: This was an article I had written on a french blogger for my journo course and I published it cause I wanted to send it to him 🙂

There are also other ways to get a URL, but these are the usual basic and simplest ways.

So if you are thinking of marketing first thing to think of is which URL you gonna promote!!
Then work towards making the URL catchy enuff to interest people 🙂

Since the URL can be made by anyone and does not need too much tech knowledge or any such, this online media is really open and accessible to all!

Let me know your thoughts.

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