>I spent this saturday morning on LinkedIn. I went there to accept an add request, and decided that I should see who all I can connect with. Why have an account but not connect with all my contacts who are already using LinkedIn?

So I imported my address book from gmail and went through the contacts that were already on LinkedIn. It struck me as a really good utility! With an account on twitter, facebook, orkut and linkedin, sometimes it just gets too much, and feels too connected to have the same person on all three social networks (I am excluding orkut, cause I don’t use it). Whats the point anyway.

Today while surfing the contacts I saw some colleagues that I had worked with in the past but now we were not in touch at all, thats when I realised why use linkedin.

It can be a great way to connect with people who are work relations!

If I have been friendly with them then maybe I can add them on facebook, but this often does not happen. Especially bosses, they may not really interact much except to take reports, get briefed about the work etc.. So having a linkedin account and adding these short acquaintances can be a good way of keeping the person in your circuit and being in their circuit!

Being in their circuit is important especially if you are a newcomer, who interacts with people who could later being some top notches in their companies. Being on their linkedin, gives you an access to them, which is one step ahead from being on their email address book.

Being a freelance consultant, this is something that is even more useful for me, cause I may have short stints of couple of months with companies, or work from home for a company. In this case adding these guys on LinkedIn can be very useful!

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